How many times have you loved your smile in one photograph but your sister thought she looked better in a different one? I can make you both happy by combining the two images into one, flawlessly. Honestly, I would challenge you to pick out which images have been altered and you wouldn't be able to tell.
I've taken on several clients retouch challenges including removing Ex's from family photos, adding a granddaughter to the family reunion photo when she wasn't able to make it or even opening someone's eyes when they blink.
Have an old photograph that needs a little TLC and restoration? Whether it's in need of some color correction, its faded or worn, has scratches, tears or even missing parts, I'll be able to restore your photo to it's original look.
I handle each retouch request on a case by case basis. After taking a look at your files I'll be able to come up with a cost based on time involved so contact me today for a complimentary, no obligation quote.